Art & Design

Teaching of Art & Design at Glenthorne Community Primary School


Our intention for Art and Design at Glenthorne is to allow children to explore a range of art movements, artists, skills, techniques, views and opinions; exposing them to the wider world around us. It is an opportunity for children to dive into different avenues, find new interests and inspiration, which fuels their creativity. We aim to promote the following:

  • Self-expression
  • Self-confidence
  • Mastery of skills and techniques
  • Critical thinking
  • A sense of individuality
  • Tolerance and respect
  • An understanding of our rich heritage and culture

Within our art curriculum, children are given the chance to work independently as well as collaboratively whilst they experiment, practise and create final pieces.


As a school, we follow the Kapow Primary ‘Art and Design Scheme of Work’, where children will be taught art skills and techniques discretely; directly linked to the ‘National Curriculum for Art and Design’. There are five strands that run throughout the scheme; making skills, formal elements, knowledge of artists and evaluating. These key skills are revisited regularly whilst increasing in complexity, allowing children to become more proficient and confident artists. Progression of skills is at the heart of this scheme, as each year children will consistently build on the knowledge, skills and understanding they developed in previous years. By following this scheme of work, children will develop knowledge of a range of artists and broaden their understanding of art movements. Independence is promoted through art lessons, as children will be supported in making their own creative decisions, meaning that their outcomes will be unique and personal to them, as well as being underpinned by a breadth of knowledge.

Each lesson has an exploratory and experimental approach, in which children will document their ideas using their personal sketchbook. Every art lesson is designed effectively allowing all children to access the learning and can reach their full potential.


By following the Kapow Primary Scheme of Work, we expect that children will:

  • Produce creative work, exploring and recording their ideas and experiences
  • Be proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture, and other art, craft and design techniques
  • Evaluate and analyse creative works using subject-specific language
  • Know about great artists and the historical and cultural development of their art
  • Meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the ‘National Curriculum’ for Art and Design

Click paint brush above for the Art & DT Overview

Click on the paint brush above for the Art Curriculum Statement

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