01922 666266
At Glenthorne, we acknowledge that the digital age is rapidly progressing and our computing curriculum aims to provide children with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to become fluent and confident in a digital world.
Our intent is to ensure that we equip pupils with the skills, strategies and knowledge that will enable them to be digitally literate. We also want to ensure that we have confidence that the pupils of Glenthorne are able to identify dangers in the digital world. Through the curriculum, we want to ensure that pupils become responsible, competent and creative users of information and communication technology and prepare them with the skills for the future workplace allowing them to become active participants in the digital world. It is our aim that our children are responsible users of technology and can use the internet respectfully and safely.
Through our curriculum we aim to:
At Glenthorne, our computing curriculum is supplemented by the Purple Mash scheme of work, which we follow from Year 1-6. This ensures coverage of the Key Stage 1 and 2 National Curriculum statements, consistency and progression throughout the school. This exciting platform also allows children to access a range of computer-based learning at home, enabling them to apply their learning in different contexts. Units cover a broad range of computing components such as coding, spreadsheets, Internet and Email, Databases, Communication networks, touch typing, animation and online safety.
Our curriculum is split into 4 categories:
Teachers ensure that the children are equipped with transferable skills that they are able to use alongside other curriculum areas and home life. We encourage our children to enjoy technology through engaging and challenging lessons. Through Purple Mash, we are able to ensure coverage and progression in order to meet the National Curriculum targets.
Through pupil voice, the children of Glenthorne are able to talk confidently about the dangers of the online world and understand how to keep safe online. We were recently awarded as a National Online Safety certified school, which allows our parents access to a wider range of support when keeping their children safe at home.
Glenthorne Community Primary School
Glenthorne Drive
Cheslyn Hay