
We pride ourselves in having high expectations of the children and endeavour for them to thrive and achieve. All our pupils are entitled to the same experiences and opportunities that school brings, therefore not attending school will result in loss of learning and vital parts of their curriculum.


Pupils can enter the school grounds from 8.30am, with school doors opening at 8:45am and the school day starting promptly at 9:00am. Registers close at 9:05am and arrival at school after this time, without prior approval or extenuating circumstances will be recorded as a late mark. All children arriving from 9.15am onwards will be given an unauthorised absence mark for the morning session. Pupils arriving at school late (after register closes) must enter through the main office to sign in.

If we are not informed of an absence, the school safeguarding protocols will be followed, a text will be sent which will be followed by a phone call if we have no response.

What is expected of Parents?

As a parent, it is your legal responsibility to ensure that your child attends school. If they cannot attend for any reason, you should notify the school office and the absence may be authorised if appropriate. 

It is the parent’s responsibility:

  • To keep requests for their child to be absent to a minimum
  • To notify the school office on each day of your child's absence, by 9am. 
  • To offer a reason, and medical proof, for any period of absence, preferably before the absence or on the first day of absence 
  • To ensure that their child arrives at school on time, a reason should be offered for any lateness 
  • To work closely with the school and Education Welfare Officers (EWO) to resolve any problems that may impede a child’s attendance
  • To take family holidays during school holiday periods and be aware that requests for holidays during term time will be refused and will likely incur a fine from the Local Authority 
  • To be aware of curriculum requirements and be especially vigilant with regards to attendance during important academic times, such as; SATS 
  • To support their child and recognise their successes and achievements
Attendance Policy 2023-2024
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