01922 666266
Forest Fridays
Each Friday morning during term time, we offer a family and toddler ‘Forest Friday’ Session. The sessions are run by Mrs Bates, one of our Forest School Leaders with the support of volunteers who are fully DBS checked. The sessions run from 9.05am until 10.30am and take place in our on site Forest area.
Each session starts with our Forest School song and a reminder of our safety checklist, boundaries and how to treat our forest area. Each session is centred around a theme and includes structured activities, story time and a snack. There is an element of Forest School to the sessions, the ethos being that it should be child led exploration. We often finish with a fire and get to toast marshmallows!
Pre booking is required, please email Mrs Bates parentsupport@glenthorne.staffs.sch.uk for more information or call the school office on 01922 666266.
Glenthorne Community Primary School
Glenthorne Drive
Cheslyn Hay