01922 666266
The playground gate is opened at 8:30am and closed at 8:55am (9am for Nursery). Children arriving after this time are required to enter school through the main entrance, informing the office of their arrival. If a child arrives after 8:55am and before 9:15am, they will be recorded as 'L' (late before registers close).
If a child arrives after 9:15am, they will be recorded as 'U' (late after registers have closed). Both 'L' and 'U' codes will have an effect on a child's overall attendance percentage each time they are late.
If we have unexplained absences once the registers have closed, office staff will telephone or text parents/carers to obtain the reason for absence.
If we are unable to contact parents, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.
If we have had no contact from home for two consecutive days, our Headteacher and/or Parent Support Worker will carry out a safe and well check.
If your child is absent from school due to illness,
please notify the office before 9:00am. We must be informed by the person who has Parental Responsibility.
1045-1100: Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
1100-1115: Year 3 and Year 4
1115-1130: Year 5 and Year 6
Nursery: 1200-1230
Reception: 1145-1245
Year 1 and Year 2: 1145-1245
Year 3, 4, 5 and 6: 1230-1330
Glenthorne Community Primary School
Glenthorne Drive
Cheslyn Hay