
Teaching of Writing and GPS at Glenthorne Community Primary School


When teaching Writing and GPS at Glenthorne, we intend to provide a curriculum which caters for the needs of all individuals and gives them the necessary skills and knowledge for them to become successful in their future careers. We incorporate sustained levels of challenge through our ‘Teach to the Top’ approach, whilst nurturing pupils love for writing through the delivery of engaging, challenging and varied opportunities. The consistent approach across school allows teachers to develop pupils’ writing and GPS skills through the delivery of high-quality activities with a focus on transcription, composition of writing and application of grammar and spelling knowledge and skills. Through our Writing and GPS teaching, we aim to:

  • promote high standards of language and literacy by equipping pupils with a strong command of the spoken and written word
  • allow our pupils to acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language 
  • allow pupils to appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage 
  • ensure all pupils write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences by the end of their primary journey
  • use discussion in order to learn; allowing pupils to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas 
  • have pupils who are competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate
  • engage pupils through the use of varied stimuli, including high-quality texts and Visual Literacy
  • have pupils who are confident and competent to edit and improve their writing through the use of self-assessment and learning tools


Pupils at Glenthorne Community Primary School are required to explore writing in depth, focusing on composition, vocabulary and grammar features. This is done through:

  • Weekly Big Write which allows for extended writing and opportunities to apply grammar skills and knowledge 
  • Writing opportunities planned for across the curriculum 
  • Modelled and shared writing
  • Peer writing
  • Deconstruction of texts
  • Exploring features of differing text types
  • Talk for Write homework to engage and inspire the love of writing 
  • Unpicking authors’ vocabulary and grammar choices through the teaching of high-quality texts
  • VCOP highlighting to support self-assessment
  • Peer and self-assessment


We implement our approach through: 

  • Delivering high-quality, engaging lessons that are appropriately challenging for all pupils
  • Incorporating grammar and spelling into daily writing sessions 
  • Planning for opportunities to explore and deconstruct texts 
  • Following the English overview, which links writing to high-quality texts
  • Using Visual Literacy to engage and inspire writing 
  • Developing pupil’s writing skills by offering varied and frequent opportunities to practise and develop transcript and composition as well as application of grammar and spellings 
  • Adhering to our school’s approach of ‘Teach to the Top’, which ensures that pupils are challenged at all levels
  • Displaying high-level vocabulary within the classroom to promote its use within extended pieces
  • Planning cross-curricular writing opportunities which allow for pupils to apply their History, Science and Geography knowledge
  • Following our school ethos and providing the pupils with the opportunity to work collaboratively, whilst providing the resources for pupils to become independent learners
  • Instant interventions when pupils receive a ‘red star’ to challenge any misconceptions that may be hindering their understanding
  • Providing home learning opportunities to develop writing and spelling knowledge and skills 
  • Encouraging self and peer assessment, as well as VCOP highlighting
  • Teaching discrete and incorporated grammar and spelling lessons


Pupil voice - Through discussion and feedback, children talk enthusiastically about their Writing and Grammar lessons and speak about their love of writing. They can identify grammar features as well as text type specific features. Children understand the use of VCOP and how this aids their editing skills. 

Evidence in knowledge - Pupils know how differing grammar terms and features are used and understand the impact of using these in written pieces. Pupils progression in knowledge is evident at different levels in differing year groups, in line with both National Curriculum expectations and the school’s ‘Teach to the Top’ approach.

Evidence in skills - Pupils use acquired transcript, composition, grammar and spelling skills within writing lessons. They are able to use and apply these skills in written pieces across the curriculum. 


Breadth of study - Teachers plan a range of writing and GPS opportunities in line with the whole school English overview. 

Data – Termly assessments allow Glenthorne to track and monitor pupils attainment and progress across the year, whilst ensuring that their Writing and Grammar data is in line with ARE and individual targets based on prior attainment. 

English Overviews

English Year 1 Overview

 English Year 2 Overview

English Year 3 Overview

 English Year 4 Overview

English Year 5 Overview

English Year 6 Overview

Spelling Overviews

Spelling Overview Year 3 and 4

Spelling Overview Year 5 and 6

Spelling Policy and Guidance

Writing and GPS Home Learning Support 

In order to support you with writing at home and Talk for Write homework, you may find the following links and documents useful.

For links to individual year group grammar terminology please use:

For general grammar support, including videos to aid understanding of these terms please use: 

You may also find these resources helpful to aid your understanding of writing and grammar terms:

DFE Grammar Glossary

GPS Glossary

Terminology-table for each group

Useful writing support resources

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