01922 666266
Visitors are welcome to Glenthorne Community Primary School and make a contribution to the life and work of the school in many different ways. The learning opportunities and experiences they bring are encouraged and appreciated. It is the school’s responsibility, however, to ensure that the security and welfare of the pupils is not compromised at any time. The school is equally responsible to the whole school community for ensuring that visitors comply with the guidelines.
It is our aim to safeguard all children whether it be during school time or extra-curricular activities which are arranged by the school. We aim to ensure all pupils at Glenthorne can learn and enjoy extra-curricular experiences, in an environment where they are safe from harm.
It is our objective to establish a clear protocol and procedure for the admittance of external visitors to the school which is understood by all staff, the proprietor, visitors and parents and conform to child protection guidelines.
The school is deemed to have control and responsibility for its pupils anywhere on the school site, during normal school hours, during after school activities and on school organised (and supervised) off-site activities.
Where possible permission should be granted by the Headteacher before any visitor is asked to come into school.
Visitors whose purpose is to work with pupils in some capacity:
· Visitors may work with pupils in a variety of capacities, for example, to deliver a lesson (normally supervised by a member of staff), to meet with small groups of pupils or individuals or alternatively they may be working with a pupil on a one to one basis (e.g. Children’s services or health professionals.)
· Staff should ensure that all normal visitor policy requirements are followed.
· Any visitor who is not DBS checked must not be left alone with pupils at any point. This includes whole class or small group teaching or one to one interviews of pupils or escorting pupils around the building.
· If a visitor has DBS clearance they may work with pupils unaccompanied. At times this may be teaching a class or a one to one interview. This must be agreed in advance.
· Regular visitors to the school must have DBS clearance.
Glenthorne Community Primary School
Glenthorne Drive
Cheslyn Hay